Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Blueberry Blast 10 K

A few weeks ago there was a 10k race in nearby Harbour Grace. I decided last minute to go for it. I figured that since my only other race experience was 10 miles, a 10 kilometer run should be a peice of cake. So confident was I that I decided to stay out late with some friends the night before. In fact, I had exactly two hours to sleep before I had to get in the car and drive the 1.5 hr drive to the start line. Part of me was actually pretty curious as to how I'd feel running on no sleep. It was a test.

There were 100 some people running. A small run with little fuss. I thought it was just a nice way to spend a Sunday morning. I took my Holga, but only a few shots left on the roll. (In my early morning haste I had forgot the extra film. I remembered running shoes though, that was a close one!)

So I set off and after a few K's I was feeling ok, not great. A few more k's and I was feeling no better. I was just enduring this event, that was all I could muster. Only one water stop and I took a 10 second walk break to drink. A few more k's and I'm thinking *please let there be another water table*. Not because I was thirsty, no. I was dying to stop and walk for another 10 seconds. Alas it was becoming obvious that there were no more tables and I was just going to have to run the rest and shut down my complaining mind. I saw the 8k mark and I decided to turn off my music and just run it as fast as I could. I was operating under the premise that the faster I get to the finish line the faster I could FINISH! I was very miserable. I thought for sure I was going to barf. I couldn't even sniff the snot from dripping down my face because it made me gag. Eventually I came within sight of the finish line and - wow I was so surprised to see my time! It was really great (for ME people, for ME). I got a great rush from seeing that clock.

Inside the arena where the food and such was spread out I managed to find a chair and sat. I was still feeling like I was going to barf. I amnaged to eat some of the delicious blueberry goodies that were available. It was a nice reception and I know that despite my bad physical feeling that I was enjoying this experience.

I drank coffee but I was exhausted and driving the 1.5 hours back home was rough. I listened to Cage the Elephant on bust (aside - that is a great album) and sang along with it to force myself into alertness.

Seriously - this song kept me on the road. I know it by heart now, lol. I wonder if any other drivers thought I was yelling at them? LOud as you can - *you're a no good, lazy motherfucker . . . "

Lesson? Sleep is important. Very important.

Only two lonely photos. One is the faster runners coming back from the turn . . .

And a very Newfoundland-ish sign.

How to carry the Holga?

It was asked *How does one carry the Holga while running?*

This is a question with many answers. I'm certain the gang of us Holga Runners are using different techniques. As with most answers . . mine is the best.

I use an old disc man waist pack. It is meant for using during exercise (check), is lightweight (check), adjustable (check) and fits one Holga camera. (Check Check Check!)

I just googled images and there are some ugly disc man waist packs out there! Mine is all black and not ugly at all. In my case I actually have one from the years using a disc man (actually my husband used to use it at the gym - like 15 years ago!). If one was not such a pack rat and does not still have one - I'm sure they can be found at thrift shops around the world. Eventually I realized the problem of needing to carry water and a Holga. So I have gotten into the habit of carrying a water bottle in my hand. Or I plan things to take one or the other. Whatever works.

Here is a photo from the other day. I know this is a sign for the Surveyor crew up ahead on the road . . but I'm going to pretend it's another Holga runner . . . using a tripod.

Quidi Vidi Birds

I use Quidi Vidi Lake to run at least once a week. I used to drive there and run it. Now I run there and run it and run home. But I digress. ;)

Quidi Vidi is popular with boaters and runners and walkers and . . . birds. Ducks, pigeons, seagulls, and a lone goose. When running past the Dominion side of the lake the birds can be pretty plentiful. They are not shy. It would not be a good place to run if you were afraid of birds. Luckily for me I am not afraid of birds.

Usually I (and everyone) will run around the birds. A wide swerve does the trick. This day though I decided to have some fun running through the birds and taking pictures. They barely move, they are so annoyed at being bothered. I ran through them, back and forth, a couple of times and then stopped to compose a shot of that goose. He (she?) was watching the show and I'm fairly certain was concluding that I am a nutbar.

This is what we call Good Clean Fun.

Duck. Duck. Goose.

Butterpot Hill

During a camping trip I ran a great run to the top of Butterpot Hill. I loved it so much I did it again the next day. Unfortunately the Holga I had with me was acting up and I only have this to share. But see - what a beatutiful run. 5 miles. Love it.

The bad holga has since been discarded. I have no patience for bad holgas. Disposable cameras. ;)