Wednesday, October 7, 2009

How to carry the Holga?

It was asked *How does one carry the Holga while running?*

This is a question with many answers. I'm certain the gang of us Holga Runners are using different techniques. As with most answers . . mine is the best.

I use an old disc man waist pack. It is meant for using during exercise (check), is lightweight (check), adjustable (check) and fits one Holga camera. (Check Check Check!)

I just googled images and there are some ugly disc man waist packs out there! Mine is all black and not ugly at all. In my case I actually have one from the years using a disc man (actually my husband used to use it at the gym - like 15 years ago!). If one was not such a pack rat and does not still have one - I'm sure they can be found at thrift shops around the world. Eventually I realized the problem of needing to carry water and a Holga. So I have gotten into the habit of carrying a water bottle in my hand. Or I plan things to take one or the other. Whatever works.

Here is a photo from the other day. I know this is a sign for the Surveyor crew up ahead on the road . . but I'm going to pretend it's another Holga runner . . . using a tripod.


  1. Love the picture. Now there's a holga mod I hadn't seen yet. ;)

    You know I just carry mine, but your water bottle comment give me an idea. My husband has an old fuel belt, I'm going to see if it could be used!


  2. hm. i just hang mine around my neck and hold it with one hand. this makes more sense.

